|A Listener interface that will be notified of events occurred during the life-cycle of an ad.|
|A Listener interface that will be notified of events occurred during the life-cycle of an interstitial ad.|
|The YaftaMobileBannerView provides a view that displays banner advertisements to the user.|
|YaftaMobileInterstitial is used to display an interstitial ad. It has a close button for the user to dismiss it.|
|The AdRequest class contains all the information necessary to fetch ads from YaftaMobile.|
|An instance of AdError class is passed to AdListener in case of errors. The AdError object contains error code, and error message. |
|The AdSize class encapsulates the width and height dimensions of an ad.|
|Used to write logging messages.|
|Enumeration of different error codes that can be encountered while fetching an ad. |
|Enumeration of modes to perform an ad request on.|